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The investment industry’s leading panel discussion show, where experts deliver research grade insights, market views and thought leadership. The standard for each show is set deliberately high and suitable for Structured Learning CPD. Masterclass is the only virtual event running every week for over 10 years!

The investment industry’s leading panel discussion show, where experts deliver research grade insights, market views and thought leadership. The standard for each show is set deliberately high and suitable for Structured Learning CPD. Masterclass is the only virtual event running every week for over 10 years!

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Value Investing | Masterclass - June 2024


Learning: Structured

A panel of experts discuss the challenges and potential resurgence of value investing; they explore the performance gap between value and growth stocks, the impact of interest rates, and strategies for identifying and capitalising on undervalued stocks globally. 


  • Dan White, Head of Global Equities, M&G Investments
  • Bill Hench, Head of Small Cap Team & Portfolio Manager, First Eagle Investments
  • Adam Rackley, Fund Manager, Cape Wrath Capital

Learning outcomes

  • Factors that could close the performance gap between value and growth
  • How to distinguish between great companies and great investments
  • The outlook for mid and small-caps in North America and the UK