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The investment industry’s leading panel discussion show, where experts deliver research grade insights, market views and thought leadership. The standard for each show is set deliberately high and suitable for Structured Learning CPD. Masterclass is the only virtual event running every week for over 10 years!

The investment industry’s leading panel discussion show, where experts deliver research grade insights, market views and thought leadership. The standard for each show is set deliberately high and suitable for Structured Learning CPD. Masterclass is the only virtual event running every week for over 10 years!

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Fund Selector Masterclass | Equities - May 2024


Learning: Structured

Join our panel of experts as they share insights on inflation, growth, and investment strategies in the evolving market landscape. They discuss current opportunities for active stock pickers amid receding recession fears, under performing ESG funds, AI stocks, and sustainability themes. 


  • Fund Selector Mark Preskett, Senior Investment Consultant & Portfolio Manager, Morningstar 
  • Neil Brown, Head of Equities, GIB Asset Management
  • Duncan Goodwin, Portfolio Manager, Premier Miton 

Learning Outcomes: 

  1. Can resilient high quality growth equities outperform? 
  2. ESG-friendly equities have had a tough ride - what next? 
  3. Where is the ceiling for AI stocks? Can it also be a sustainable investment?