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The investment industry’s leading panel discussion show, where experts deliver research grade insights, market views and thought leadership. The standard for each show is set deliberately high and suitable for Structured Learning CPD. Masterclass is the only virtual event running every week for over 10 years!

The investment industry’s leading panel discussion show, where experts deliver research grade insights, market views and thought leadership. The standard for each show is set deliberately high and suitable for Structured Learning CPD. Masterclass is the only virtual event running every week for over 10 years!

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Alternatives Fund Selector | Masterclass


Learning: Structured

Join our panel of experts as they discuss merger arbitrage, energy efficiency income, and managed futures strategies. Gain insights into alternative investment strategies and their market impact. 

Fund Selector: 

Adam Norris, Investment Manager, Columbia Threadneedle  


  • Fabienne Cretin-Fumeron, PM Merger Arbitrage strategy, Carmignac
  • Jonathan Maxwell, Group Chief Executive Officer & Founder, SDCL Energy Efficiency Income Trust 
  • Andrew Beer, Managing Member of DBi, Co-Portfolio Manager, iM Global Partner 

Learning Outcomes: 

  1. What’s the role of alternatives as bond yields rise? 
  2. Asset illiquidity – its impact on fund selection decisions 
  3. The challenges of identifying managers providing predictable and uncorrelated returns